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Immediate Past President

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Our Association's bylaws designate the Immediate Past President as an ex-official member of the board.

In the upcoming board year, the Immediate Past President is not returning to the board.

Where in Robert's Rules (if anywhere) is this situation addressed?  What is the proper procedure for filling this board seat?

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Your immediate past president is, obviously, the person who held that office just before the current president. That's an historical fact. There is no way anyone else can be that person (i.e. fill that board seat) and there is no way that person can't be the immediate past president (until the current president leaves office). Whether he chooses to "return" to the board or not is immaterial. You're stuck with him. Or you're stuck without him. Either way, you're stuck.


Few here advocate giving any ex-officio (not "ex-official") status to the immediate past president. He might have been a crook. Why keep him around?

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Our pres served a term. Then ran again. Then about 2 months in has resigned. Does she stay on as past pres?


Our by laws description of past president: The outgoing President shall serve as a voting member for one (1) year term


I guess my question to you would be: Why do you think she wouldn't "stay on" as (immediate) past pres?


Is there anything in your bylaws that makes an exception for resignations? Is there anything in your bylaws that says a president must complete her term of office before being considered to be the (immediate) past pres?


By the way, I wouldn't give too much weight to the (unfortunate) word "outgoing".

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I agree with Edgar Guest's opinion.  Although this is a matter of interpretation of your bylaws which only your organization can do, my personal opinion is that the person who was serving president became the immediate past president the minute he or she resigned as president.  Whether he (or she) is entitled to sit on the board as the immediate past president is complicated by the language in your bylaws that says "The outgoing President shall serve as a voting member for one (1) year term".   It doesn't say "for one year or until there is a new immediate past president".  That is why I say I believe this is a matter of interpreting your bylaws which only our organization can do.  We don't do bylaw interpretations.  You will not find this situation addressed in Robert's Rules, either.

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