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Striking an Agenda item

Guest Warren

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For agendas, see FAQ #14.
And, on the outside chance that you might not be as familiar with the "tabling" of a motion as you think, see also FAQs #12 and #13.



I think I need to either memorize the Frequently Asked Questions and Official Interpretations or print out a list of them and keep them by my computer!  Referring posters to them sure saves a lot of typing....and probably results in better answers, too!

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I think I need to either memorize the Frequently Asked Questions and Official Interpretations or print out a list of them and keep them by my computer!  Referring posters to them sure saves a lot of typing....and probably results in better answers, too!


if I had a nickel for every time I neglected to link to an applicable FAQ or OI . . . I'd have a lot of nickels.

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I am familiar with the "tabling" of a motion..Is it possible to request to strike an item on the Board's Agenda or other way to keep the issue from being discussed?


A member may move to strike an item from the agenda. Such a motion requires a majority vote for adoption if made while the agenda is pending or a 2/3 vote or vote of a majority of the entire membership if made after the agenda is adopted. This would not, however, prevent the issue from being discussed. A member may still make the motion under New Business. 


If a member wishes to prevent an item from being discussed, he should raise an Objection to Consideration of the Question when the motion is made. This requires a 2/3 vote against consideration to prevent consideration of the motion.

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