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Committee Decision over-ridden by Exec Director

Guest Sarah J

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A Board of Trustees Committee volunteered, met and with a quorum decided on a name for an upcoming event which they will direct.
The Executive Director has decided to change the name of the event and has notified the performers of the event of her decision.
I was under the impression as to our by-laws, that as an employee of the organization,   the Executive Director is to execute the decisions of a Committee., not the other way around..

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Assuming that the committee to which you refer was given the power to not just make recommendations, but to actually put its recommendations into effect, you are correct.  If the committee was only to make recommendations, then it is more complicated.


With the above stipulation, I agree with the answer Transpower gave you in your other post with the subject line "Sarah J" where you asked this question in a slightly different way.


See RONR page 172, lines 5 - 14 and also page 490, lines 23 - 25.

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