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Restating motions

Guest Kathy

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1). Sorta... If the chair assumes a motion then, technically, it isn't "restated". Others may have better suggestions. Also in boards and committees, you can talk without a formal statement (no cite available--RONR packed for travel).

2). Yes. A res is just a more formal version of a motion, often written out.

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Kathy, adding to Dr. Stackpole's response, and although I'm not aware of a citation in RONR that I can give you, I'm confident that failure to state the motion by the chair is something that doesn't affect the validity of the motion if it is adopted without having been so restated.  I believe someone would have to make a point of order at the time of the error that the motion has not been stated by the chair.  It seems to me that once debate has begun, the failure of the chair to state the motion becomes a non-issue just like the failure of someone to second the motion does.

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