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ad hoc committee

Guest Gayle

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Can an ad hoc committee be formed when there is already a committee for that purpose, and it is addressed in the by-laws of the organization?  The chairman is wanting to take the event away from the committee and form his own committee so he is going to name an ad hoc committee, is this a legal move?

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Edgar, is a specific section that I could refer to?  Thanks for your reply.


I'm not Edgar, but I'll answer:  It's on page 492, which provides as follows:

"A special (select, or ad hoc) committee is a committee appointed, as the need arises, to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which—that is, on presentation of its final report to the assembly—it automatically ceases to exist. A special committee may not be appointed to perform a task that falls within the assigned function of an existing standing committee."

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  • 4 weeks later...

If a chairman names an ad hoc committee, and you call him on it, and he says there is nothing you can do about it, is this true?

Well, if the bylaws authorize him to do it, which is not unusual, he has done nothing wrong.  What do your bylaws say about creating special committees?


If he is not authorized to create and appoint special committees, then do as Dr. Stackpole suggested above.

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If a chairman names an ad hoc committee, and you call him on it, and he says there is nothing you can do about it, is this true?

Probably, if all you do is "call him" on it.


But if you actually raise a Point of Order, then he must rule on your point, and his ruling is subject to Appeal (it's put to a vote).


It's important first to read your bylaws, and see what powers the president has to establish or appoint (name the members of) commitees.

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