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Approving AGM agenda

Guest Cynthia Crawford

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Since no one recalls who made the motion to adopt the agenda, I would just have the minutes say, "A motion was made, seconded and adopted to approve (or adopt) the agenda."  What else can you say, other than a long rambling commentary that nobody remembers who made the motion??  :)

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How does the board reconcile the issue of not having recorded the name of the person who moved to approve the AGM's agenda but do have the person's name recorded who seconded the motion?


That's not a significant issue. - A name missing in the minutes for "who moved what".


If you do not have the name, then you are under no obligation to insert a name into your minutes.

Just word the sentence passively.

There is nothing to reconcile, as far as Robert's Rules goes.


If you do have the right name, then you are to amend the minutes prior to approval, or amend the minutes after approval. It does not matter when you amend the minutes.

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