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Electing a Moderator

Guest Ross Wilson

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If you've got a "vice-moderator" (what RONR might call a vice-president or a vice-chair), then that person would automatically become the moderator (or president or chair) and you'd then have to fill the vacancy in the office of vice-moderator (or vice-president of vice-chair).


Otherwise you'll need to elect a "new" moderator in the same way that you elected the "old" moderator.


if you're asking who, in the absence of a moderator, will preside at the meeting, that's up to the assembly (the members present) to select a chair pro tem (a temporary moderator).

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Is it appropriate for a representative of the organization 


If you've got a "vice-moderator" (what RONR might call a vice-president or a vice-chair), then that person would automatically become the moderator (or president or chair) and you'd then have to fill the vacancy in the office of vice-moderator (or vice-president of vice-chair).


Otherwise you'll need to elect a "new" moderator in the same way that you elected the "old" moderator.


if you're asking who, in the absence of a moderator, will preside at the meeting, that's up to the assembly (the members present) to select a chair pro tem (a temporary moderator).

Is it appropriate for a member of the organization move to elect a specific person to serve as opposed to opening the floor to nominations?

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