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Role call

Guest stanferd

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Unless the bylaws or applicable rule says otherwise the default voting procedure is a voice vote (though the Chair or another member can demand a rising vote if the results may be inconclusive using a voice vote).  If the members want to use another method of voting they can adopt a motion specifying the method.

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A ballot vote can be ordered by a majority vote.


In addition, RONR notes the following on some of the methods of voting:

- In some small groups, a vote by show of hands is also used in place of a voice vote as a normal method of voting.

- Voting by ballot is used when secrecy of the members' votes is desired.

- Taking a vote by roll call has the effect of placing on the record how each member votes. It has exactly the opposite effect of a ballot vote.

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If a secret ballot is wanted does the one that makes the motion state it. Does the Chair or is it up to the members to amend the motion and vote on that


Any member can make a motion that the vote be taken by ballot. The majority decides. The maker of the motion enjoys no special status with regard to how the vote is taken.


A roll-call vote is rarely warranted.


Typically, the chair will say, "All in favor, say 'aye'". then, "All opposed, say 'No'". That's a voice vote. If the results are not clear he can ask for a show of hands (or ask members to stand). That's a rising vote.

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Our by laws do not state any special way to vote. If a secret ballot is wanted does the one that makes the motion state it. Does the Chair or is it up to the members to amend the motion and vote on that

It's not necessary to amend the main motion in order to set the method of voting.  It is done as a separate motion while the motion is pending, and once decided, discussion returns to the main motion.


The motion could be "I move that when the question on this motion is put, the voting shall conducted be by ballot."    It would require a second and a majority vote (presumably by voice).

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