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Absentee vote

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Do your bylaws specifically allow the use of absentee voting?  If they don't then you might as well throw it out because you couldn't use it in the first place (RONR p. 423)1.  If your bylaws do authorize absentee voting RONR suggests you shouldn't mix absentee and present votes but since you apparently do it will be up to you all to figure out the details.


1Actually, since the absentee vote was included in the original count (and it couldn't be counted to start with) you don't have a tie vote after it is removed from the tally.

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Recently we had an officers ballot vote with an absentee vote......the vote was a tie and we had to re-vote.....question is what happens to the absentee vote?.....do you just reuse it?.....throw it out?.....or have the floor decide on what to do with it?

Absentee voting is not permitted unless authorized by your bylaws, and RONR strongly advises against authorizing a procedure in which in-person votes are combined with absentee votes. If your bylaws unwisely authorize such a procedure, it will be up to your organization to interpret its own bylaws for how to handle this situation.

EDIT: Edited based on the astute observations of my colleague.

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I think an important word (absentee) was missing in this response.


Absentee voting is not permitted unless authorized by your bylaws, and RONR strongly advises against authorizing a procedure in which in-person votes are combined with absentee votes at a meeting. If your bylaws unwisely authorize such a procedure, it will be up to your organization to interpret its own bylaws for how to handle this situation.

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