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Condo Meeting Agenda

Guest Angel Vega

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Last night, the regular monthly meeting of our Condo Assn. was held with the agenda emailed to all the residents in a timely manner.. As a rule of this board/management, you must enter your name on a sheet prior to the meeting if you choose to discuss any topic numerated on the agenda.  Not having anything to add or comment on the stated topics of the agenda, I opted not to sign the sheet. 

When the meeting was called to order, the Chair began to speak about an email that had been circulated to the residents pertaining to certain information, and went on to condemn the resident for doing so and further stated that the chair would retain the Association Attorney to mandate that a "cease and desist" order be made against the specific resident.  

Since this was not on the agenda, I or any other resident attending the meeting could not comment on it as this particular topic was not on the sign in list.

Question:  What would be the correct manner in addressing this topic to the chair without disrupting the meeting according to Roberts Rules 

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Last night, the regular monthly meeting of our Condo Assn. was held with the agenda emailed to all the residents in a timely manner.. As a rule of this board/management, you must enter your name on a sheet prior to the meeting if you choose to discuss any topic numerated on the agenda.  Not having anything to add or comment on the stated topics of the agenda, I opted not to sign the sheet. 

When the meeting was called to order, the Chair began to speak about an email that had been circulated to the residents pertaining to certain information, and went on to condemn the resident for doing so and further stated that the chair would retain the Association Attorney to mandate that a "cease and desist" order be made against the specific resident.  

Since this was not on the agenda, I or any other resident attending the meeting could not comment on it as this particular topic was not on the sign in list.

Question:  What would be the correct manner in addressing this topic to the chair without disrupting the meeting according to Roberts Rules 


Is this a Board meeting or a membership meeting?

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At a board meeting, the board controls the meeting. At a general membership meeting, the general membership controls the meeting. Your options will vary greatly depending on the type of meeting.

Good point.  Does the words "Combined Meeting" at the top of the notification indicate one or the other or both?  Seems vague language to me..

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It may be the case that both types of meetings would be held at the same location on the same day. Perhaps one meeting follows the other. Or members of the board are attending the general membership meeting and calling it a "combined meeting".


At the general membership meeting, any member of the association could make a motion under New Business.

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Does the words "Combined Meeting" at the top of the notification indicate one or the other or both?  Seems vague language to me..


I suspect it's a regular (i.e. monthly) board meeting. Condo associations typically meet only once a year. So what's most relevant is that (most of) the residents were not members of the body that was meeting (i.e. the board) and therefore had no parliamentary rights at the meeting. The agenda and sign-up sheet is of secondary importance.

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Combined, as stated in the email..

Then the answer is easy:  According to RONR there is no such thing.


If it was a board meeting at which owner/members are allowed to attend, it's still a board meeting.  I'm guessing that when votes were taken, only the board members voted.  Yes?

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Then the answer is easy:  According to RONR there is no such thing.


If it was a board meeting at which owner/members are allowed to attend, it's still a board meeting.  I'm guessing that when votes were taken, only the board members voted.  Yes?

Yes, only board members voted on the motions..

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I suspect it's a regular (i.e. monthly) board meeting. Condo associations typically meet only once a year. So what's most relevant is that (most of) the residents were not members of the body that was meeting (i.e. the board) and therefore had no parliamentary rights at the meeting. The agenda and sign-up sheet is of secondary importance.


I suspect it's a regular (i.e. monthly) board meeting. Condo associations typically meet only once a year. So what's most relevant is that (most of) the residents were not members of the body that was meeting (i.e. the board) and therefore had no parliamentary rights at the meeting. The agenda and sign-up sheet is of secondary importance.

Yes, that sounds about right.. The Annual member's meeting is in February when elections to board will be held.. Thank you.

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Then it was a board meeting, and according to RONR the rights of non-members (of the board) are zero, except as the board may permit, unless the bylaws provide otherwise, which, in many organizations, they do..


Then it was a board meeting, and according to RONR the rights of non-members (of the board) are zero, except as the board may permit, unless the bylaws provide otherwise, which, in many organizations, they do..

Thanks for the valuable information..

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Appreciate all the valuable feedback on this topic. I'm sure it will help me in the future from "Foot in Mouth" disease at upcoming meetings.. Thank you all!


While you're looking in the "Forewarned is forearmed" direction, do yourself a favor and get a copy of RONR - In Brief and read it.  At once.  Do nothing else.  Okay, you step aside from the cash register at the bookstore so the other patrons can buy their copies.  It'll take you maybe an hour, your first reading of it -- unless you're a college graduate, in which case, allow two.  Don't go back to work if you bought it on your lunch hour, and certainly no meals.  If you get your copy by home delivery, you may take the time to tip the delivery person and close your door, but no sitting down.


Oh, and you don't have to get a separate copy, you can go ahead and lend your copy to the big guy in the black glasses and t-shirt in your photo.

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