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Do meeting agenda have to be accepted by vote at the beginning of each meeting?

Well, an agenda must be accepted in order for it to be binding, if that's what you mean. If your question is whether an assembly must adopt an agenda, the answer is no. Most assemblies will do just fine with the standard order of business.

Would this allow the chair to act as gatekeeper and refuse cirtain items or members from being heard?

No. With or without an agenda, the chair does not have such authority. The adoption of an agenda may affect when items of business are considered, but the adoption of an agenda, in and of itself, does not prevent the consideration of any motions. An agenda certainly has no effect on which members shall be heard.

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If an agenda is motioned in as accepted with amendments does the secretary write 'person x motioned to approve the amended agenda' or would the secretary write 'person x motioned to approve and adopt the amended agenda.' Of course 'motion carried' would be written after either statement.

Could you please also comment if your answer is also true or false with regard to The Minutes.

Thank you

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Post54, please post a new question as a new topic instead of adding to an existing thread. Think of this thread as Guest_KOZZEA's thread. This way, the answers to your question will not be confused with the answers to the question that Guest_KOZZEA had, especially if they're completely different situations, and Guest_KOZZEA comes back with follow up questions to the original topic.

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