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Undivided Loyalty Failure

Guest Elise

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There are a few members of our HOA board who are refusing to accept factual information that conflicts with their personal preferences about a specific topic that will soon be up for a vote. Are board members allowed to put their own interests first when they vote on a topic in the context of a board meeting? Are they allowed to refuse facts or call them invalid in an effort to cast doubt in a public forum, even if they have no explainable reason for doing so?

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Are board members allowed to put their own interests first when they vote on a topic in the context of a board meeting?

Nothing in RONR prevents them from doing so.  However, them putting their own interests before the organization's could be taken into consideration when elections come around again or (possibly) even used as grounds for removing them from office (see FAQ #20).



Are they allowed to refuse facts or call them invalid in an effort to cast doubt in a public forum, even if they have no explainable reason for doing so?

I suppose they can.  However, their credibility and intellect very well may be called into serious question if they are continually claiming it is a bright bright sun-shiny day even though everyone else can clearly see the flashes of lightening with dark skies and hear the thunderclaps, rain falling, wind howling, and loud blaring of the tornado sirens.  ;)

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There are a few members of our HOA board who are refusing to accept factual information that conflicts with their personal preferences about a specific topic that will soon be up for a vote. Are board members allowed to put their own interests first when they vote on a topic in the context of a board meeting? Are they allowed to refuse facts or call them invalid in an effort to cast doubt in a public forum, even if they have no explainable reason for doing so?

Sure.  Haven't you ever watched C-SPAN?

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