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In camera meeting info

Guest Lauren

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As a new board member I read the previous year's minutes to discover the board unanimously voted not to renew a contract for an employee of the organization. Subsequent to this meeting they presented him with a contract, stating it was non negotiable and had a time limit for signing. Subsequent to this, the board then tabled a motion that the review committee, three board members, offered this contract for signing. The vote on the motion was not unanimous, two new board members voted against it.

1. Am I breaching board confidence to discuss this info from an in camera meeting, at a membership meeting?

2. What details can I communicate to membership?

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1. Am I breaching board confidence to discuss this info from an in camera meeting, at a membership meeting?

2. What details can I communicate to membership?


1. Yes.


2. The general membership can order the minutes of the board meeting read at a meeting of the general membership. 


For future reference, what you refer to in camera meetings are (probably) what RONR refers to as meetings held in executive session.

The board itself, however, can authorize the release of its minutes and lift the "veil of secrecy" surrounding that executive session.


There was also a fairly recent discussion in the advanced discussion forum as to whether the general membership can order the minutes of a board meeting to be released or inspected by a non-board member, rather than just read to the assembly.  There seemed to be no clear cut answer.  http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/23165-can-assembly-direct-board-to-let-member-inspect-board-minutes/

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