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nominees and being present to accept

Guest Larry

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In a club that has in the past elected persons to post in the club without them being there to accept the nomination in the first place is it right to nominate or elect a person who has not said that they would or would not accept.


It is within the rules to nominate and elect someone who is not present, though it's best to have the person being nominated send a note that they're willing to accept the position if elected. 

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In a club that has in the past elected persons to post in the club without them being there to accept the nomination in the first place is it right to nominate or elect a person who has not said that they would or would not accept.

Yes, it's fine.  They can answer that question after they're elected.  If they're not elected, there's nothing for them to decide.

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Yes, it's fine.  They can answer that question after they're elected.  If they're not elected, there's nothing for them to decide.


Well. it's permissible but I wouldn't describe it as "fine". After all, some time might pass before they can be reached with the good news. 


As Mr. Mervosh noted three days ago:


It is within the rules to nominate and elect someone who is not present, though it's best to have the person being nominated send a note that they're willing to accept the position if elected.


For reasons Mr. Harrison noted three days ago:


In order to lessen the chances of the elected declining the office and thus necessitating another round of voting it is a good idea to check with anyone you are planning to nominate to see if he or she is willing to serve.

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