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Disagree with how a meeting was run

Guest Don Campbell

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My church's annual meeting was recently run and a vote on amendment to bylaws was taken. A two thirds vote was needed. There was no amount of time given at beginning of meeting for debate. When I was given the floor, I spoke my position and was repeatedly told to hurry by the Moderator. After I was "finished", the Moderator said he disagreed with me. He then immediately called for the vote without asking for more discussion. He asked for a verbal vote of ayes and nayes. There were more ayes than nayes so he said the vote passes. I called for a count of the votes. He said there was an overwhelming majority so he would not take a count. He then called for a motion to adjourn and adjourned the meeting. I do not feel the meeting was run correctly and want to know what I can do to at least bring the topic back up for more discussion and another vote.  PLEASE HELP

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The behavior you describe needs to be objected to at the time it occurs . . . by raising a point of order. The chair will rule on the point of order (presumably that it's not "well taken") but his ruling can be appealed. The assembly (the members present) decides who's "right". There's not very much you can do without the support of your fellow members.


As for the adopted motion, you could make a motion to rescind (or other wise amend) it.


You could also take steps to remove the president from office. See FAQ #20.

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In the spirit of the Holidays, why not buy a copy of RONRIB:

"Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised In Brief", Updated Second Edition (Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2011). It is a splendid summary of all the rules you will really need in all but the most exceptional situations. And only $7.50! You can read it in an evening. Get both RONRIB and RONR (scroll down) at this link. Or in your local bookstore.


and then gift it to your moderator.    His behavior sounds like terrified inexperience to me.

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