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Reconvening a Meeting

Guest Jere Shaw

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Yes.  First it establishes the time and location of that follow-up meeting (called an "adjourned meeting"), using the most privileged of privileged motions, To Fix the Time To Which to Adjourn.  In this sense, "to Adjourn" means to resume, or reconvene.  Then, whenever you want to conclude today's meeting, you adjourn it; in this sense, "adjourn it" means to stop it or to end it.  We get these usages from the English, who likely thought it was a good idea at the time, like confusing the French.

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If a board does not want to adjourn a meeting but wants reconvene the following the next day, must the board vote to recess to reconvene the following day?


As noted, the board votes to adjourn (not to recess) after, or at the same time as, setting a date and time to continue its meeting.

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