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Secretary casting unanimous vote

Guest Penny

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I'm a 2nd year parliamentarian for an international organization. Our rules and regulations state all candidates for office must be nominated and therefore do not allow for a write in candidate. The bylaws also state there must be a written ballot. Past practice has been for the secretary to cast a unanimous vote. I want at the very least to have the chair acclaim the unapproved offices. Prior to changing the bylaws, what wording would the chair use and is it after each nomination by the committee or all offices at once? I know thus us wrong but they are going to do what they have always done. Any suggestions? HELP!

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The bylaws also state there must be a written ballot.


Then there must (presumably) be a ballot vote. No chair declaring the sole nominee elected by acclamation. And certainly no secretary casting a "unanimous" vote.


I know this is wrong but they are going to do what they have always done.

They shouldn't.

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I'm a 2nd year parliamentarian for an international organization. Our rules and regulations state all candidates for office must be nominated and therefore do not allow for a write in candidate. The bylaws also state there must be a written ballot. Past practice has been for the secretary to cast a unanimous vote. I want at the very least to have the chair acclaim the unapproved offices. Prior to changing the bylaws, what wording would the chair use and is it after each nomination by the committee or all offices at once? I know thus us wrong but they are going to do what they have always done. Any suggestions? HELP!

If the bylaws state that there must be a written ballot and does not provide for any exceptions, then there must be a written ballot. Neither having the chair declaring the officers elected by acclamation or having the Secretary cast a unanimous ballot is an acceptable substitute.

Since the bylaws prohibit write-in votes, it would certainly make a great deal of sense to amend the bylaws to provide that the chair shall declare unopposed candidates elected by acclamation, since a ballot vote is a waste of time if members can only vote for one person. Nonetheless, the society is bound to follow the bylaws as they are currently written until they can be amended.

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