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Board Of Director Misconduct

Guest Marc

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My bylaws state:  The demand to expel or exclude a member from the organization shall be made in writing, with the signature of the complainant to the board of directors, and must contain a clear statement of the cause of such action.


It also states in the bylaws that the president resides over all board meetings and ex-officio over all committees.


Is it right for me to preside over this meeting the board will have with me be president?


Is it right for the accused board member be in attendance of this special meeting?


Does the board member whom I am going to write about get a letter also?

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My bylaws state:  The demand to expel or exclude a member from the organization shall be made in writing, with the signature of the complainant to the board of directors, and must contain a clear statement of the cause of such action.


It also states in the bylaws that the president resides over all board meetings and ex-officio over all committees.


Is it right for me to preside over this meeting the board will have with me be president?


Is it right for the accused board member be in attendance of this special meeting?


Does the board member whom I am going to write about get a letter also?

I think it would be prudent for you to relinquish the chair to the Vice President during proceedings on this issue. So long as the individual in question is a member of the board, he has the same rights as other members. So yes, he has the right to attend the meeting and should receive a copy of the letter.

I'd also note that your original question was regarding how to remove this person from the board, and the passage from your bylaws appears to be addressing the procedure to remove someone from the organization.

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Thanks for the reply.  My current bylaws do not state how to remove an officer.  I only want the board member removed from his duties. Not removed from the membership.  


Well then.  You'll still have to look at Chapter Twenty in RONR, much of it very carefully, and probably re-examine your bylaws, at least about how they define the terms of officers.  (You have seen that posters on this forum are way accommodating; but it's all much too much to type, and maybe a violation of copyright, though clearly I'm not offering an opinion on that, not even having one, since I'm not a lawyer and don't practice law, or maybe much of anything, though there are some who are of the opinion that my typing could use some brushing up.


(Maybe I shoulda quit when I wasn't opining about filing banks.


(Oh nuts, I bet some polymath is gonna tell me that "shoulda" isn't an English word.  Great Steaming Cobnuts:  I thought I was maybe gonna win one today.)

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