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Treasury audit - new officer

Guest Abigail DeSesa

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Thank you - I agree it is the right thing to do.  Wish it were mandatory.



Mr, Guest is correct that it is not mandatory so far as RONR is concerned. But an organization's bylaws may make it mandatory. If yours do not, and you think they should, then propose an amendment to require it.

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would the new Treasurer take possesion of the books and various other "tools" after the audit?  Does it matter if this is a mid-year audit due to never having the year-end audit and the position being vacant for several months? 


The former ("outgoing") treasurer should have turned everything over to the new treasurer (or to the president or secretary if there was a vacancy in the office of treasurer) as soon as (or before) he left office. Whether there was or wasn't an audit is immaterial.


By the way, this forum works best if you'll post your new question as a new topic, even if you find an existing topic that's similar. 

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