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Losing and Election

Guest Guest

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They were nominated by the nominating committee, approved by the board of directors and then submitted a position to run for President. They lost the election. Do they still get to be a Director next year? It will start their 3 year term. They served as an officer for 2014.

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They were nominated by the nominating committee, approved by the board of directors and then submitted a position to run for President. They lost the election. Do they still get to be a Director next year? It will start their 3 year term. They served as an officer for 2014.


Does their current term as a Director end this year or continue next year?

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They haven't been director yet. They were an officer for 2014 and the nominating committee slated them in for a director starting in 2015 for a 3 year term. After the board of directors approved the slate for 2015, they submitted a position to run for president for 2015.

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OK, for the year 2014, this person served as an officer. The nominating committee met and slated this person in as a Director for the year 2015. Then, after the slate was approved by the board of directors (which this person was an officer on), this person then submitted a petition to be considered for President for 2015. We then had an election with the President that was slated in by the nominating committee for 2015 and this person. This person lost the election. So, my question is, does this person still get to serve as Director for a 3 year term starting in 2015 or do they forfeit that Director's position since they ran for President? If they had one, they could not be President and Director for 2015...... So, since they lost, what happens?

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I have a related question. We had an election for our board and the president received more "no" votes than "yes". so now someone says that because that person ran unopposed (we presented a slate to the membership of one candidate per position) that even one yes means they are elected no matter how many no's. Then we discover that there may be improprieties like people voting more than once. So we invalidated the election and will do over without a "no" box.  Does this sound like the correct course?  Thank you for any help.

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I'm confused, too.


Guest Guest, was this person actually elected to the board?  You said he was "slated in for director", but that phrase means nothing to us as parliamentarians.  It is non-standard language.  What exactly does that mean?  Does it mean he was nominated or does it mean something else?  How do your directors become directors?  Is there an election?


Depending on the wording in your bylaws, he can be a board member (director) but not president and he can also be president without being a director.  It all depends on your bylaws.  But we don't know if he was actually elected to another term (or a first term) as director....or even if his current term has expired.   You aren't giving us enough information. 


Edited to add:  It would also help us if you would refer to this person (and others) as him or her, rather than "they", and reserve the use of the word "they" for when you are talking about more than one person, such as the Board of Directors.  The word "they" is plural.

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Since the bylaws are silent on this issue I was looking in the rules and cannot find anything about this topis

Then the person remains in the position of director until the person resigns, is voted out, dies, or is removed from office.  And, yes a person can be elected to, and hold, two or more positions at the exact same time.

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Then the person remains in the position of director until the person resigns, is voted out, dies, or is removed from office.  And, yes a person can be elected to, and hold, two or more positions at the exact same time.

But in a post # 7, guest Guest said this person has not become a director yet.  We are trying to find out what the heck is going on.

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So, my question is, does this person still get to serve as Director for a 3 year term starting in 2015 or do they forfeit that Director's position since they ran for President?


Yes, the person can still be a director - assuming they were elected at the meeting.  Did they get elected as a director?


If they had one, they could not be President and Director for 2015...... So, since they lost, what happens?


If the person had won, and if the President is a member of the Board, it would be pointless to be a director on top as the President would have all the rights of membership.  However, nothing in RONR prevents an individual serving in two or more positions simultaneously.  So, do the By-laws of the organization state - specifically - that an individual cannot hold two positions simultaneously?

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