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committee nominations

Guest JerryRig

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Not true  --  a committee is free to establish a subcommittee, but...


(This is a guess, sorta) I would think that any subcommittee would have to be working on a part of whatever the committee is assigned to do.  The sub-com cannot be given a task unrelated to whatever the (parent) committee is supposed to be doing.

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"Generally the term committee implies that, within the area of its assigned responsibilities, the committee has less authority to act independently for the society..." (RONR 11th ed., p. 490, ll. 8-10)

"Thus, if the committee is to do more than report its findings or recommendations to the assembly, it may be empowered to act for the society only on specific instructions..." (ll. 11-14)


Also the bylaws should have a section on committees which includes the duties of standing committees and appointment of special committees, if any.

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To me it makes sense that a standing committee cannot activate a subcommittee that is outside what the standing committee is working on, but where in roberts rules is it not permitted?


In so many words, there is no stated prohibition.  But Logic.....


P 497, l. 13-15 has a subcommittee reporting back to its parent committee, not the assembly.   But if that subcommittee is dealing with something that is not the business of the parent committee, that parent can't do anything with the information.  A total waste of time on the part of the subcommittee.  A committee can do only what it has been told to do, p. 489.   This suggests that the motion to appoint a subcommittee would be dilatory at best, if not improper - p. 342.

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I think the short answer is still: Yes; a standing committee may move a recommendation to create a special committee, including its recommended membership.


There could be problems if the recommendation itself fell outside the responsibilities of the committee, but I would not go so far as to say that the special committee's duties must in some way be related to the charge of the standing committee.  Indeed, if that were the case, a subcommittee would probably be the right way to proceed.  The assembly may not create a (special) committee to handle matters that are the purview of an existing standing committee, presumably even if that motion comes from the standing committee.


But it is not hard to imagine a situation where the subject motion would be in order.  The standing committees duties might explicitly include, say, recommending the creation of such committees as may from time to time be judged beneficial to the society as a whole.

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