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Guest Brian

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You will need to look at your bylaws to see how vacancies in office are to be filled. If the board has the power to fill the vacancy, then certainly they can select someone who has board experience. But first you need to find out if the board does have that power, or if it is the general membership that is empowered to fill the vacancy. If your bylaws do not provide for a vacancy-filling the procedure, then according to RONR, the body that elected the board member originally is the one to elect a replacement. Note that elections always require prior notice before the election can be held.

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Guest Brian, I'm curious as to why you might want (or think) that the board should not want someone with prior board experience?  Does your organization have a bylaw provision that prohibits a person some board members have in mind for the position from serving another term on the board?   As Bruce Lages pointed out, there is nothing in RONR that would prohibit it.

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