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Adding Additional Grounds to a Protest

Guest Ray Kikkert

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Generally speaking, an adopted motion (e.g. the motion that sent the protest to the higher authority) can be amended.


Although I would probably argue that the action authorized by the adopted motion (i.e. sending the protest to the higher authority) has been completed and so the motion is no longer subject to amendment. 


That said, why not adopt a new motion with the additional grounds?

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Although I would probably argue that the action authorized by the adopted motion (i.e. sending the protest to the higher authority) has been completed and so the motion is no longer subject to amendment. 


That said, why not adopt a new motion with the additional grounds?

I'm weighing in late here because I've been offline a lot over the past few days, but I have a minor issue with Mr. Guest's statement that the action has been completed and that the motion is no longer subject to amendment.


I understand the point he is making....a point I had not considered until reading his post.... but I think it is a very technical point that is dependent on the precise wording of the original "protest" motion and on whether the protest has actually been sent.  If the motion was to send a notice of protest to the higher assembly, his point that the action has already been completed is well taken, provided the protest has actually been sent.  If it has not yet been sent, I think it can be amended.


However, if the "motion of protest" (my term) was that "we protest a certain action or ruling to the higher assembly and urge them (it...the higher assembly) to reconsider", then I think that up until the time that the protest has actually been dealt with by the higher assembly it would be in order to use the motion  "amend something previously adopted" to add additional grounds to the protest. 


It seems to me that there is a very fine line here as to whether the original protest can be amended to add additional grounds and that the answer depends on several circumstances. 


But, as Mr. Guest suggested, a new motion  to protest on an additional ground would certainly be in order regardless of whether the original protest resolution could be amended.

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Ooo.  Post 5 is very tricky.  I think, as Mr Brown suggests, the parliamentary interpretations are predicated on the epistemological underpinnings, maybe more eggnog.

Eggnog!!!  That's it!!  That's what I'm craving....and we have some in the fridge!!!  I knew I wanted something to drink other than champagne and that's it... eggnog!!!   Thank you, Mr. Tesser....and here's wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year!

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Well, then salubriously app new year to you and yours.... And I'm glad you and yours came up with the eggnog, while I madp do with the magniificent hours of The Walking Dead "marathon" on AMC, cable TV, and the 2 AM =or-so hour or so of Justified on FXo  


(Lemme tell y0ou, after a ew cruciating hours, Chrome bloody suks

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