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Guest Shelle

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If the Personnel Committee made a motion on a grievance and it went to the BOD, can the minutes be tabled for further research on the motion?  Isn't the motion/decision of the Personnel Committee final and binding?

What do you mean by "can the minutes be tabled for further research"??   The minutes should reflect what was done in a meeting....whatever it was.

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If the Personnel Committee made a motion on a grievance and it went to the BOD, can the minutes be tabled for further research on the motion? Isn't the motion/decision of the Personnel Committee final and binding?

There's quite a few issues here. :)

The motion to Lay on the Table is used to set aside a motion temporarily in order to consider some other urgent business. The proper motion here is likely Postpone to a Certain Time. See FAQ #12.

In the ordinary case, a committee's decision is only advisory, not final or binding, although it is possible that your rules provide otherwise in this particular case. If it is only a recommendation to the board, it would be proper for the board to postpone any motion which is made to implement that recommendation, in order to permit further research.

To be clear, however, none of this has anything whatsoever to do with the minutes. It may well be proper to postpone the motion, but the minutes should not be postponed or tabled in order to research the motion further, for several reasons. Committees generally do not take minutes, since the committee's reports serve as the record of the committee's actions. Even if the committee was to take minutes, it would be the committee that approved the minutes, not the board.

Lastly, and most importantly, approving the minutes merely indicates that the minutes are an accurate record of what happened at the meeting and does not indicate approval of the motions contained in the minutes. So if there are minutes, they can and should be approved at the committee's next meeting, regardless of what subsequently happens to the motion.

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The decision should not be laid on the table until the next meeting, but Postponed until the next meeting.  And unless the By-laws state otherwise, the Committee cannot make decisions on behalf of the organization, but can recommend to the appropriate assembly (either the Board of the general membership depending on the situation) as to what should occur.

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