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There are no fixed page numbers (the numbers change depending on your search criteria).


Did you try selecting "Content I have not read"? Does that take you back farther than a year?


Edited to add: It looks like a year is the farthest back you can search. This is probably something set by the Administrator (it may be the default setting).

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You can go to the last page (at this point, it's Page 172) . . . 


Interesting. The forum went public on May 19, 2010.


The mistake I was making was first clicking on "View New Content" (force of habit) and then the oldest option was the past year (about 122 pages).


But starting "from scratch" shows 172 pages (as Mr. H. noted). So then I'm wondering why there's only a difference of 50 pages between "only 2014" and "everything". But, of course, the "pages" when you're looking at everything are "longer" (i.e. there are more posts per page) then are the "pages" when you're starting from "View New Content".


Anyway, thanks Mr. H. for the follow-up.


Libran might want to change the sort to "Start Date" (the default is "Recently Updated").

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