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Collecting nominations to run

Guest Kozea

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In our community mailers are sent out snail mail to over 650 residents requesting people submit thier info if they would like to volunteer for the board. The nomination commitee selected by the chair collects the list of names as emails come in over a months time. During this period the person in charge of keeping the list begins to get requests from other board members to see the list before the committee is due to report. It this appropriate or should the committee not dispense this info until the report is request in a meeting?

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In our community mailers are sent out snail mail to over 650 residents requesting people submit thier info if they would like to volunteer for the board. The nomination commitee selected by the chair collects the list of names as emails come in over a months time. During this period the person in charge of keeping the list begins to get requests from other board members to see the list before the committee is due to report. It this appropriate or should the committee not dispense this info until the report is request in a meeting?


Isn't your nominating committee charged with doing more than simply collecting the names that are submitted?

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Not specified. Their only duties are to publish the request for nomination, to publish the election ballots, and count the ballots.


Are you sure? Your original post refers to the committee's submission of a report. You don't say to whom this report is to be submitted (the membership or the board), or what it is to contain.

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They are supposed to report the list of all eligible candidates to the board. It's then their responsibility to publish the ballots with the slate of candidates


So every eligible candidate is automatically included in the nominating committee's report?


Typically, the nominating committee selects "the best" candidate for each open office. Additional nominations can then be made "from the floor" (by other members). It seems like your nominating committee exercises no such discretionary authority, it simply verifies eligibility. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not typical.


Additionally, the nominating committee doesn't usually serve during the election but apparently your nominating committee also serves as tellers. Is that a good idea? Who knows.

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They are supposed to report the list of all eligible candidates to the board. It's then their responsibility to publish the ballots with the slate of candidates




I don't think that there is anything in RONR which directly answers your question. As noted in post #4, there is certainly nothing in RONR which imposes a duty on the committee, or any of its members, to provide the list of names to individual members of the board prior to submission of its report to the board, but neither is there any prohibition on doing so.


Just as a matter of curiosity, why does the committee (which really makes no nominations) report to the board? Does the board have the ultimate responsibility to determine eligibility?

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The bylaws say that the elected board nominate and elect the officers. It does not say that the nominating picks and chooses the slate from nominations. Nor does it say that nominating committee recommends officers. Is any of this assumed? Right now bylaws only specify publishing of requests for nominations and slate on the ballot.

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Is any of this assumed?


I wouldn't assume anything.


Further, you're apparently paraphrasing your bylaws, not quoting them verbatim. Here be dragons.


Your bylaws can't be properly interpreted without reading them in their entirety, something that's beyond the scope of this forum. Excerpts (and, worse, paraphrases) are often misleading and sometimes inaccurate.


For example, you say that, "the elected board nominate and elect the officers". But who nominates and elects the board members?

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Right now (and probably some time ago), somebody, to give Guest Kozea (and what, kindly forgive the pesumption, and regardless of the number of "z's" provided, is perhaps I may say is a lovely name:  and let me presume to ask, what is its provenance?),a nudge, might be keeping up; I myself have thoroughly lost track.  I would ask for a direct quotation from the bylaws, but really, that's definitely not what this, the world's premiere Internet parliamentary forum, is for:  this forum is here for telling you how Robert's Rules can help you.  We do this for free and voluntarily.  But the rules of the forum dictate that, here, we just talk about what Robert's Rule say.


(I think that if you sign in, and become a member of the forum, you can send me an internal message and I can then direct you to a website that will reliably and comfortably discuss your bylaws with you.  Please feel free to.)


[Edited to fix a couple of typos]

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In our community mailers are sent out snail mail to over 650 residents requesting people submit thier info if they would like to volunteer for the board. The nomination commitee selected by the chair collects the list of names as emails come in over a months time. During this period the person in charge of keeping the list begins to get requests from other board members to see the list before the committee is due to report. It this appropriate or should the committee not dispense this info until the report is request in a meeting?

If the By-laws require the Nominating Committee to report to the Board (a bad idea in my opinion, unless the Board has the power to elect its own members), then I would argue that the By-laws therefore allow the Board to pass motion ordering the release of a partial report.

Hmm, I don't know about that. If the NomCom reported to the Board, which is uncommon, I think the best the board could do would be to discharge the committee. They wouldn't necessarily have access to the committees work-in-progress notes unless the committee agreed. I think this decision is up to the committee, and if asked, I'd probably advise them not to leak portions of their report before it's final.

But in most cases the NomCom reports to the membership, so the board has no appropriate role with respect to their activities.

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Hmm, I don't know about that. If the NomCom reported to the Board, which is uncommon, I think the best the board could do would be to discharge the committee. They wouldn't necessarily have access to the committees work-in-progress notes unless the committee agreed. I think this decision is up to the committee, and if asked, I'd probably advise them not to leak portions of their report before it's final.

But in most cases the NomCom reports to the membership, so the board has no appropriate role with respect to their activities.

The parent assembly of a committee can indeed instruct the committee to turn over its internal documents, even against the committee's wishes. As noted, however, the board is generally not the parent assembly of the Nominating Committee, and in any event, the committee has so far only received such requests from individual board members, not the board itself.

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