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Committee chair appointment (topic by Frank)

Guest F

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The bylaws just stipulate that a committee shall be appointed by the board, it doesn't designate how the Chair is assigned.


In that case the board would designate the chair. If a chair is not designated when the committee is appointed, the committee has the right to elect its own chair. (see RONR 11th ed., p. 176)

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The bylaws just stipulate that a committee shall be appointed by the board, it doesn't designate how the Chair is assigned.


If there's no special rule, then the general rule is that the authority that appoints the members of the committee appoints the chair of the committee.


If the board, for whatever reason, chose not to name a chairman, the first-named person on the list of members is the temporary chairman who should call the first meeting and hold an election for a committee chair.


(Just FYI, when the president appoints a committee, the first-named member is the chairman of the committee.  Your society might never have that situation.)

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If there's no special rule, then the general rule is that the authority that appoints the members of the committee appoints the chair of the committee.

If the board, for whatever reason, chose not to name a chairman, the first-named person on the list of members is the temporary chairman who should call the first meeting and hold an election for a committee chair.

(Just FYI, when the president appoints a committee, the first-named member is the chairman of the committee. Your society might never have that situation.)

Stranger chiming in here...

What if the committee is brand new and the board appointed a chair but that chair was sort of a default selection? Is their position temporary or?

How does a new chair get appointed?

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Guest_Guest (Stranger chiming in here), please post a new question as a new topic instead of adding to an existing thread. Think of this thread as Guest_F (Frank)'s thread. This way, the answers to your question will not be confused with the answers to the question that Frank had, especially if they're completely different situations, and Frank comes back with follow up questions to the original topic.


You can post a new question by going to the General Discussion forum and clicking on "Start New Topic" near the upper right hand corner.

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