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Committee Member Problem

Guest Angry

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I'm on a committee where there is no express leadership, and as committee members, we are not allowed to direct vendors in any way unless it is discussed in a meeting when the vendors are present and/or contained in a proposal that goes through a member approval and approval by our board of directors, depending on the action.

One committee member does 'favors' for neighbors who know him, and he directs the vendors on that neighbor's behalf, and he has acted alone in several instances that demonstrates that he does not intend to stop doing this, and is willing to lie in order to cover himself when it comes time to exposing his actions to others. He has even asked vendors to lie for him, and they have done so.

In our committee, no members have the power to direct vendors in any way unless it goes through the process of discussion or formal approval.

This person is also about to propose a charter change in which he is the sole communicator with the vendor, a change from the former charter saying that commeittee members can communicate with them as well. I believe this person is power hungry and has nothing better to do with his time and will not stop until someone makes him stop. He has also acted alone in doing things like deciding against proposals without consulting other committee members, and has had private meetings with the vendors to introduce new actions without any committee discussion.

He is also the chairperson, and I have confirmed that the chairperson has no extra powers whatsoever to direct the vendor or make decisions. The chairperson has a few extra duties that have nothing to do with directing vedors or having any power to make decisions about things on their own.

Any help is appreciated on how to deal with this situation.

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What situation?

A committee chairperson who is abusing power they do not have.

The chairperson has no special powers above other committee members, yet this person is acting alone, fulfilling special requests without consulting management or the committee.

Lies to cover himself, encourages other people to lie, and is corrupt.

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A committee chairperson who is abusing power they do not have.

The chairperson has no special powers above other committee members, yet this person is acting alone, fulfilling special requests without consulting management or the committee.

Lies to cover himself, encourages other people to lie, and is corrupt.


Oh. I thought you were referring to the situation in which a committee member accuses the chairman of being corrupt, a liar, and encouraging other people to lie.

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