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President & Vice President are not at meeting

Guest Rita

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  • 2 weeks later...

If having this person preside is not controversial, I think it could be handled simply as a case of unanimous consent . . . 


Yeah, in most instances I don't think it would be a big deal. I guess I was imagining a worst-case scenario (and we've seen our share here) of an over-bearing president thinking she can impose her choice on the assembly.

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If having this person preside is not controversial, I think it could be handled simply as a case of unanimous consent as follows:


"Our president has asked Ms. Jones to preside at this meeting. If there are no objections... [pause]... Ms. Jones is the presiding officer."


I think the pause comes too soon here. It should be more along the lines of:


"Our president has asked Ms. Jones to preside at this meeting. If there is no objection, Ms. Jones will preside over the remainder of this meeting ... [pause]. Since there is no objection, Ms. Jones will preside over the remainder of this meeting."

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