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Guest Leo Botsford

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I am not completely sure I understand the question.  Are you asking how the Board can extend the time allotted for debating a motion and the Board intends on making a decision?  Or does the Board just want to hold a "bull session" (talking about things but having no real intent on taking any action on what was being discussed)?

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In RONR, a meeting is for conducting business. No rule in RONR would prohibit any number of board members from getting together outside of a meeting to "just have good discussions". However, if decisions are being made, they should be done in a regular or properly called meeting with a quorum present.

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It should also be noted that, at a meeting of a "small" board (one with no more than about a dozen members), discussion can take place without a formal motion pending.


As for "posting" the meeting, if it's to be a formal meeting (not just a casual get-together), all members (of the body that is meeting) must be notified.

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How can a board just have good discussions with a quorum present. Sometimes items just need to be hashed over but must you always post the meeting?

If you're a public body (e.g. school board, planning board) then the Sunshine Laws in your state may affect what you can do with a quorum present, whether or not you wish to call it a meeting.  As far as RONR is concerned, there are no restrictions on what you can talk about outside of a meeting, even if a quorum is present--but of course no official "business" can be conducted.

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Please keep in mind this, from RONR (11th ed.), p. 34, ll. 32-35 and p. 35, ll.1-2:  "The general rule against discussion without a motion is one of parliamentary procedure's powerful tools for keeping business 'on track," and an observance of its spirit can be an important factor in making even a very small meeting rapidly moving and interesting."

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