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Guest Robert Vokes

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I understand that the "Call to Order" should not be listed on the agenda (RONR [11th Ed.], p. 26, footnote), since it is not part of the order of business.


But what about "Adjournment" listed at the end of the agenda?  Is this a part of the order of business and, if not, is it proper to list "Adjournment" on the agenda?

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I'm sorry I posted this question several times.  One of the weaknesses in the Web site for a new user is that one cannot know whether the question has in fact been posted.  Each time I tried to post the question I received a message that I had not entered the correct verification code. 

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Robert, I suggest you join the site as a member.  It's easy to do and makes the site much more user friendly and gives you options you don't have as a guest.  Just click on the "Become a Member" link in the upper right hand corner of one of the forum home pages, such as the general discussion page.

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Could you please provide a link to the original post for this question so that I may read the answers and may find the answer to my question.


If you can see what you wrote here (at 1:45 AM, EST, according to my time-stamp; it's 2:47 AM here now, so if you're in a different time zone, Guest_Guest, then look at your own time-stamp for this post of mine, which probably will come up as #7, and figure I'm writing this about an hour after your post), then you should be seeing the entire discussion thread, with the original post as post #1 and yours as #6.


Otherwise, what do you see?

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I can see what you wrote...


(O am I gonna let this go.)


..., is it not necessary to state in the minutes the exact time the meeting started? ...


RONR says yes, the minutes report the time the meeting started (p. 468, item 3 on line 30; and in the example given, p. 471, lines 5 - 6).

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But what about "Adjournment" listed at the end of the agenda?  Is this a part of the order of business and, if not, is it proper to list "Adjournment" on the agenda?


Mr. Hunt's parenthetical opinion at the end of his post here http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/23632-is-new-business-automatic/?p=130297 which no one took issue with, might provide a very good reason not list it.

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