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motion required for bod to follow by laws and perform audit?

Guest tori john

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The general membership could replace the current board with members who will abide by the rules. Or the general membership could bypass the board and order the audit. Or both.


But if you're the only one who thinks the rules should be obeyed there's not much you can do. So marshal your troops.


And don't run for treasurer.

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If I am on the bod and I have someone who will second the motion is the motion still necessary to move this forward since there is not support? Or should the president be handling it?


Well, if it's a "small" board (no more than about a dozen members) you won't need a second. But you will need enough votes (a majority) to adopt a motion ordering an audit. If the board won't do it, take your case to the general membership. 


But, yes, motions are the way groups decide to take action. If the president has the authority to act on his own, no motion is necessary.

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