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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Resignation Withdrawal

Guest ConfusedGuest

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According to the FAQ

Question 18:
Is it possible to withdraw a resignation after it has been submitted?

A resignation is a Request to Be Excused from a Duty. It may be withdrawn in the same manner as any motion may be withdrawn -- that is to say, before the proposed resignation has been placed before the assembly by the chair stating the question on its acceptance, it may be withdrawn without the consent of the assembly, but it may not be withdrawn without permission of the assembly once it has been placed before the assembly for its approval. [RONR (11th ed.), pp. 289-92; 295-97.]


In regards to that answer, Can a resignation be recanted without assembly approval after being placed on an Agenda by a chair before the agenda is accepted by the assembly? I am talking 3-7 days. Our bylaws allow for agenda changes by vote only, if said agenda changes are within a 14 day window of the meeting date.


It appears to me that a resignation is not placed before the body during the agenda presentation but rather the call to vote. Is this an accurate assesment?

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You quoted the reference.


The key wording is "before the proposed resignation has been placed before the assembly by the chair stating the question on its acceptance".    Putting  something on an agenda is NOT "the chair stating..."


So as soon as the meeting starts, get up and withdraw your resignation.

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