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Executive Chair

Guest Greg

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Is there such a thing as an Executive Chair?  Our club wants to create a pretty powerful position called the "Executive Chair In Charge of _____".  I see the term Executive Committee but in Roberts Rules but nothing about the title Executive Chair.  Is this title/position within the rules?





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There is no mention whatsoever in RONR of an "executive chair".   There are presidents, chairmen, presiding officers, executive boards, executive committees, etc, but no such thing as an "executive chair" or even a plain ol' "executive".   You can pretty much create whatever you want, though, and call him/her/it whatever you want to.  What about "Grand Poobah" or "Oh Masterful One"?   :)


Edited to add:  But if you do that, you darn well better spell out his duties, because RONR sure doesn't!!

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The elected president is usually the chair of the assembly of the society and chair of the executive board of the society.  Perhaps the poster is referring to an executive director, who is a salaried, full-time administrative officer and general manager of the organization.  See RONR (11th ed.), pp. 464-465.

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