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Is there an order to business?

Guest Greg Kane

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Thank you for you time in advanced.  I have a question about the order of business, old or new.  I have had multiple people weight in on this with no consensus.  If an agenda will have a bill, an amendment, and a resolution, is there a correct order?  Is this different for new business or old business?


Thank you all for your input.

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 . . . if you all decide to set an agenda you can set it whichever way you want. 


And note that when Mr. Harrison says "you all", he's not suggesting that the decision needs to be unanimous. 


I would also note that there's no "old business" in RONR-Land. The cognoscenti refer to "unfinished business".

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Thank you for you time in advanced. I have a question about the order of business, old or new. I have had multiple people weight in on this with no consensus. If an agenda will have a bill, an amendment, and a resolution, is there a correct order? Is this different for new business or old business?

If the assembly adopts an agenda, it can put its business in any order it likes. That's what an agenda is for - when the standard order of business or a special order of business adopted by the society is insufficient.

If your assembly does not adopt an agenda and uses the standard order of business, Unfinished Business and General Orders comes before New Business. In order to know what order these motions would be considered in during Unfinished Business and General Orders, we'd need to know how it came to pass that they are under that heading. In New Business, there is no predetermined order. The first motion which is moved and seconded while no other business is pending is considered first.

Lastly, you mention that one of these motions is an amendment. If it is an amendment to the bill or the resolution, then it would be moved while that motion is pending. If it is instead a motion to amend something previously adopted, then the above rules still apply. Aside from the possibility that the amendment is amending one of the other motions, the fact that one motion is an amendment, one is a resolution, and one is a bill has no significance for the order they are considered in.

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