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President of Board Wants to Make Changes to Minutes

Guest Mia

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The president can ask but the secretary can (politely) refuse. The "official" time for suggesting corrections is when the draft minutes are presented (by the secretary) for approval (presumably at the next regular meeting). That's not to say the secretary can't ask for input, or even distribute the draft to all members prior to the next meeting. But the secretary is under no obligation to do either.

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Sorry, I didn't see what the last person had wrote about where to look. I've been searching for proof of what I want for the last 2 hours so missed that when I was reading the info. you both have wrote. Thank You, again! 


Unfortunately, what the last person wrote about where to look is the wrong place. What is said on page 475, lines 18-24, applies only to the amendment of minutes previously approved. You appear to be asking about making changes to the minutes prior to their approval.

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Until the draft minutes are read at the next meeting, they are in the hands of the secretary, who decides how they should be treated.


Some secretaries distribute the draft to every member and, of those, some secretaries solicit suggested corrections in advance of the next meeting.  But whether to change the draft or not is still the decision of the secretary.


If the secretary does not agree to a suggestion, or doesn't accept any advance suggestions at all, or doesn't distribute an advance draft in the first place, it is still the right of any member to offer corrections at the time that approval of minutes becomes the pending question, at the next meeting.


At that point, it becomes the members of the body and no longer the secretary who decide what goes or stays in the minutes. 

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