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Possible Conflict of Interest in an election

Guest Frank

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Our Association will be holding our annual election of officers next week.  Our By-laws state we must have a complete board of seven directors.  Right now we only have two nominees.


I believe there would be a conflict of interest, as both a husband and wife want to be on the board. Man, talk about stacking the board with votes. I was in an organization many years ago and this came up. They were told No, it's either or, but not both.


I don't think this should occur.  Please give me your opinions.  ASAP.


Thanks, Frank

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Well, unless the By-laws state otherwise nominations can be taken from the floor, and write-in votes can be used as well.  While a write-in vote is not likely to be elected (although it can happen), it may stop another candidate from being elected (again, unless the By-laws state otherwise, a candidate requires a majority vote to be elected.)


As for the husband and wife situation, nothing in RONR prevents their election (or the election of anyone who is living for that matter.)  If you do not want both on the Board at the same time, then campaign for other candidates (and run for the Board yourself if needed.)

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There could actually be rules against this happening (husband and wife running). Check the rules affecting the organization if it has a charter from the government. The number of members on the board from one family may be affected. with this type of question, it is often important to check more than just the Parliamentary Authority.

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