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Can the current Treasurer be on the finance or budget committee

Guest Rita

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Our by laws indicate to have 2 members on the Finance committee. This committee will put together the new budget for the new year. They are there during the year to assist the treasurer if necessary. Can the treasurer be one of the 2 members?

Thank You, Rita

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They are there during the year to assist the treasurer if necessary.


By electing/appointing the treasurer to this committee you'd be providing only one assistant when the intent seems to be to provide two assistants.


Mr. Martin is, of course, correct that it's not prohibited by RONR but I would suggest it's not a good idea. Just as it's not a good idea to elect the same person as both president and vice-president. Or president and secretary.


Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done.

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That ain't no bus, that's a dang trolley.

Hmmm.  In New Orleans, that would be a red streetcar.  We have red streetcars that run no one line (downtown and riverfront) and green streetcars that run on another line (St Charles Avenue).  But, in New Orleans, there ain't no  such thing as a trolley.  If you call it a trolley, we know you are from far, far away and don't know nothin'.   :) 

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Hmmm.  In New Orleans, that would be a red streetcar. 


It would have been a streetcar in Pittsburgh too (as I'm sure Mr. Mervosh can attest). Alas, I think they're all gone (Mr. M?).


If I recall correctly, on outbound trips you paid when you got off, depending on how far you traveled. But it was a long time ago. 

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