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How do you elect a new vice-president if the elected one quits before end of term?

Guest Nancy Borgers

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How does the board elect a new vice-president if the elected one resigns before the end of their term? We held Executive Board elections for the beginning term to start in January, 2015. The vice-president decided two weeks after that that she did not want the position. Does it go the next person that was running for that office or does the board need to hold a new election for the vice-president's position?

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First step is go look in your bylaws to see if they say how to fill a non-presidential vacancy.  Then follow those instructions. 


If the bylaws are silent, you hold an election where the same group that elected the quitter, get to fill the vacancy.  Better luck this time.


The runner up does not automatically get the job, but he/she could be the one to fill the vacancy by whatever means you find to do it.

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