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Motions made at General Meetings by Board Members


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Our Board will frequently vote on matters at our Board Meetings and then recommend a motion to the General membership at the next General Meeting. The President will then ask for a member at the General meeting to make the motion. Is it proper for a member of our Board to then make that motion at a general meeting? At the General Meetings, we have one enthusiastic Board member that quickly makes whatever motion the Board has proposed.

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Any member of the group can make a motion.  In that case, if a Board member is also a member of the organization, then the Board member may make a motion.


The member of the board who makes the report of the board to the general meeting should make the motion in behalf of the board at the conclusion of his report.


Daniel, what if the Board member in question is not also a member of the general membership?

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 . . . what if the Board member in question is not also a member of the general membership?


If any members of the board are members of the society it would be a good idea to select one of those as the reporting member. If none of the board members are members of the society (probably a rare occurrence) then, following the report, a member of the society could make a motion to adopt the board's recommendation. Or not.

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