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Board Report

Andy Travis

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At the last AGM a general member asked a question. One of the board of directors at the AGM said they would try and find an answer. Fast forward several months and the board member read their report at a board meeting and in the report there was an answer to the question brought up at the AGM.

Reports are for informational purposes only and the content shouldn't be included in the minutes. My question is, in this case should the secretary include the content of the report in the monthly minutes or should the board member wait and read their report at the next AGM?

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One of the board of directors at the AGM said they would try and find an answer.

Why can't the board member simply contact the member with the question and tell him what he found out?


If, on the other hand, the board was directed to report back to the general membership then it should do so.

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It was a question that affects many members not just the person asking the question so the general membership would be interested in the board members findings. So, even though the boards monthly meetings minutes are available for distribution since this question was raised at the AGM are you saying the findings should be reported at the next AGM?

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So, even though the boards monthly meetings minutes are available for distribution since this question was raised at the AGM are you saying the findings should be reported at the next AGM?


I'm saying that the board has no obligation to report to the general membership on this issue unless the board was directed to do so.


But just because the board doesn't have to make a report doesn't mean it can't. Or shouldn't.

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It was a question that affects many members not just the person asking the question so the general membership would be interested in the board members findings. So, even though the boards monthly meetings minutes are available for distribution since this question was raised at the AGM are you saying the findings should be reported at the next AGM?


As you note in your original post, informational reports do not belong in the minutes. If the board wishes to distribute this information to the membership separately from the minutes, that's fine. It's also acceptable to make the report at the next meeting of the membership.

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