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Nominations and Elections - Bylaw suspension

Guest Jeannie

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Hi everyone,


I've already searched the forum in hopes of finding an answer, but alas, I couldn't find one that specifically pertains to our association.  We are in the midst of nominating new officers and directors and we have a couple of outstanding candidates that do not meet the qualifications.  The particular qualification is that the candidate shall have served twelve consecutive months on the Board immediately preceding their election to such offices.  Unfortunately, we will not have any candidates for a few of the positions due to this qualification.  I have already looked up Article IV, INCIDENTAL MOTIONS; No. 22 "Suspension of the Rules" and it would appear that we can suspend.  Can anyone give some clarification on this?  Thanks so much!



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I've already searched the forum in hopes of finding an answer, but alas, I couldn't find one that specifically pertains to our association. We are in the midst of nominating new officers and directors and we have a couple of outstanding candidates that do not meet the qualifications. The particular qualification is that the candidate shall have served twelve consecutive months on the Board immediately preceding their election to such offices. Unfortunately, we will not have any candidates for a few of the positions due to this qualification. I have already looked up Article IV, INCIDENTAL MOTIONS; No. 22 "Suspension of the Rules" and it would appear that we can suspend. Can anyone give some clarification on this? Thanks so much!

No, the rule in question cannot be suspended. Rules in the bylaws cannot be suspended unless they are clearly in the nature of a rule of order (which this rule is not) or if the bylaws provide that the rule can be suspended (which seems unlikely, or you would not have needed to ask this question).

Part of the problem may be that you appear to be reading the 4th edition of Robert's Rules of Order Revised, which is a century old. You need to get The Right Book.

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