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Refusing to abide by a passed motion

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The treasurer reads the financial report for the past month and categorizes expenses as such "Administration costs - $800."  A motion was made to include in all future financial reports a breakdown of checks written to include who the check was written to, the amount, and the purpose of the payment.  Motion was seconded, voted on and passed.  The treasurer now says that is not part of the job and is not required to do so and refuses to provide that information.  Question no. 1 is "Who is right?"  #2 is "What is the membership's recourse to force her abide by the motion?"  Thank you. 

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1)  get a new treasurer / ask her to resign.


2)  Ask her to show you her job description that she claims doesn't include, or even imply, sharing the check information.


3)  Get real suspicious and have the books audited.  QUICK!


4) See Chapter XX on discipline and removing officers.


5)  Go back to option 1.

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Question no. 1 is "Who is right?" 

Well, I can't speak to what your bylaws say is the Treasurer's job description (don't post it here).  However, asking her to provide a breakdown of where the organization's money is going does not seem to be an unreasonable request and well within what a Treasurer should be expected to do.


#2 is "What is the membership's recourse to force her abide by the motion?"

It depends on how far you want to push the issue.  You could adopt a motion censuring her for refusing to perform her duties, she could be removed from office for being derelict in her duties, and if she cheesed off enough people she could in theory be expelled (from membership of the organization).  See FAQ #20.

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The treasurer reads the financial report for the past month and categorizes expenses as such "Administration costs - $800." A motion was made to include in all future financial reports a breakdown of checks written to include who the check was written to, the amount, and the purpose of the payment. Motion was seconded, voted on and passed. The treasurer now says that is not part of the job and is not required to do so and refuses to provide that information. Question no. 1 is "Who is right?" #2 is "What is the membership's recourse to force her abide by the motion?" Thank you.

1.) The society is right. Even if it was not part of the Treasurer's job before, it is now. The society adopted a motion ordering it. The Treasurer is required to follow the society's orders.

2.) Inform the Treasurer that she is, in fact, required to follow the society's orders, and if she fails to do so she will be removed from office. If she still disobeys, remove her from office and replace her with someone who can follow instructions.

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Original Posters are requested (hereby) to fill in a name in the space provided for a name.  Make something up if you like.  "Guest Guest" just doesn't cut it, and there are two many of you.

Two many???   Your mind foggy from staying up all night waiting on the blizzard that never came?  :wacko:

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