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Can executives vote for something that might benefit them?


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Just wondering regarding this situation. Our executive are in a process of creating compensations for our top executives (president, Vice president, 2nd vice president). Now our executive members are all voted in by our membership. a Question was raised that in our planning of compensation meeting. Someone raised that the top executives should HAVE Abstained from voting on items as it a conflict of interest as they would gain for voting yes. But some raised that because they are voted in and it was not discussed when the compensation would come into effect. And it being an election year they have the right to vote on items as we are talking about items that benefit the positions, and they are separating themselves from the position at time of voting.

OR should it be that we discuss each compensation to each position. There for when voting on the compensation of the president, all BUT the president Vote, and so forth for Vice President, and 2nd Vice President.


Thanks in advance

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Just wondering regarding this situation. Our executive are in a process of creating compensations for our top executives (president, Vice president, 2nd vice president). Now our executive members are all voted in by our membership. a Question was raised that in our planning of compensation meeting. Someone raised that the top executives should HAVE Abstained from voting on items as it a conflict of interest as they would gain for voting yes. But some raised that because they are voted in and it was not discussed when the compensation would come into effect. And it being an election year they have the right to vote on items as we are talking about items that benefit the positions, and they are separating themselves from the position at time of voting.

OR should it be that we discuss each compensation to each position. There for when voting on the compensation of the president, all BUT the president Vote, and so forth for Vice President, and 2nd Vice President.

See FAQ #9.

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Our executive are in a process of creating compensations for our top executives (president, Vice president, 2nd vice president). Now our executive members are all voted in by our membership . . . 


What do you mean by "our executive"? Are you referring to members of your "executive board"? Members of an "executive committee"?


I'm worried about the effect your post might have on our own Mr. Brown.

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What do you mean by "our executive"? Are you referring to members of your "executive board"? Members of an "executive committee"?


I'm worried about the effect your post might have on our own Mr. Brown.

LOL!!!   Mr. Brown did indeed pick up on Sweetde's use of the term "our executive", but he decided to let it pass since he had just made such a rant about it earlier today.   :wacko:

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