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First Reading Approval

Guest Mary Kempel

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When a policy is being presented for the first reading does it need a motion? I know it would need a motion to formally accept during the second reading unless additional readings are needed.

There is no rule in RONR which requires multiple readings of a policy. If your organization has such rules, it will be up to your organization to interpret them.

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Mary, is this a governmental body of some kind, like a city council or school board?   Most "ordinary" organizations do not have "first readings", but governmental bodies usually do.  If so, you need to look first to your state's open meetings laws and your council's own special rules of order or procedure.


RONR does not address "first readings" and "second readings".   A first reading is usually just a statement that a certain ordinance is actually going to be introduced (or moved for adoption) at the next meeting. 

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When a policy is being presented for the first reading does it need a motion? I know it would need a motion to formally accept during the second reading unless additional readings are needed.


Is the "first reading" subject to being discussed, debated, amended, and voted on?  If so, then a motion is the way to accomplish that.

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