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After AGM - Can you move Executive postions around?

Guest Betty D

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We just had our AGM - 10 out of 15 positions on our board were filled by acclimation.  As members we were asked to step up and volunteer for the remaining 5 positions - the 5 vacant positions were defined i.e. vice commodore (second in command.)  Can the Executive take someone already in a position on the new board and move them up to and open position to prevent you from applying for that position? 

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 Can the Executive take someone already in a position on the new board and move them up to and open position to prevent you from applying for that position? 

"The Executive"???   The Executive WHAT???  Executive Committee?  Executive  Board?  Executive Director?  Executive Secretary?  Chief Executive Officer??


Your executive "whatever-it-is" can do only what the bylaws authorize it/him/her to do.  Do your bylaws give "the executive" that authority?  I doubt it, but we don't know what your bylaws say.  Nothing in RONR would authorize it.

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We just had our AGM - 10 out of 15 positions on our board were filled by acclimation.  As members we were asked to step up and volunteer for the remaining 5 positions - the 5 vacant positions were defined i.e. vice commodore (second in command.)  Can the Executive take someone already in a position on the new board and move them up to and open position to prevent you from applying for that position? 


I'm also curious what noun is being modified by the adjective Executive, but the answer to you question is undoubtedly No.


If you have five positions that were unfilled by the election, then you have an incomplete election, and you need to continue to cast ballot (after ballot (after ballot...))  until the election is complete. 

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Assuming the original poster means "Executive Board," that body can appoint members to fill positions not elected at the AGM--if the bylaws so specify that it can.  If not, then a special meeting could be held (of the general membership) to elect members to the remaining positions.  Or, if that's not possible, the present officers would stay in place, again depending on the wording of the bylaws.

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