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Requests for written motions


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I am so thankful for finding this forum. I have served as Secretary for the past two years and have received conflicting information about how meetings are conducted. I was just re-elected for a third term and look forward to the challenge to learn more about the correct way how business meeting are conducted. My first question is:


If the Secretary requests written motions for an Annual Meeting or any monthly meeting, does the presiding chair have to honor that request? 


Thanks in advance for the feedback. 

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It is up to the Chair to do the requesting/requiring of the member making the motion.  If the chair requests, the member complies. Or Else... the motion doesn't go forward.


See RONR p. 40.


If the chair knows what he/she is doing, he will make such a request when you, as secretary, ask him to.  But I suppose the correct answer to your question is "No."   But he would be a fool to refuse you.

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