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Good Standing of a Club

Guest Lion Padma Charan Nayak

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Guest Lion Padma Charan Nayak

A club which has not paid the Dues as per the the guide lines of the organisation,can it be a Club in Good Standing..A member of the said Club if appointed as a conciliator for any Dispute Resolutions is his appontment is valid.

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I assume in this case that a club is treated as a "member" of the organization in the parliamentary sense. In RONR, a member may be in good standing even if in arrears in payment of dues unless the bylaws provide otherwise. 


How do your bylaws address "good standing"? Is being "in good standing" a requirement for the position? The answer to your question regarding the validity of the appointment would have to be found in your rules.

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A club which has not paid the Dues as per the the guide lines of the organisation,can it be a Club in Good Standing..A member of the said Club if appointed as a conciliator for any Dispute Resolutions is his appontment is valid.

It depends entirely on your bylaws: how they define "good standing", what rights are removed when good standing is lost, and how would one come to lose it (presumably either by disciplinary action, or by some automatic provision.

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Is the same situation being referred to in this recent thread?  http://robertsrules.forumflash.com/index.php?/topic/24362-bylaws/


If so, the answers there are equally applicable here.  However, I agree that the answer to your question will probably involve an interpretation of your bylaws, which is beyond the scope of this forum.

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