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Bylaw Changes


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The closest thing is a "revision" which is a wholesale change to the bylaws, opening them up to all amendments, and essentially approving a replacement set of bylaws to replace the old (even if some parts stay the same).


Individual amendments would be considered individually, not in a block.

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Individual amendments would be considered individually, not in a block.


If the individual amendments are such that adopting only some of them would render parts of the bylaws absurd, I can see how they might want to be considered in toto. This would not necessarily require notice of a revision.

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Good morning!

What is the proper term for voting a "block" of bylaw changes - is the correct word "block"?

In the context of discussing a consent calendar, RONR refers to adopting multiple motions in one fell swoop as adopting them "in gross."

Be sure to read up on Division of a Question, in the event someone wishes to have a particular amendment discussed and voted on separately. The requirements for this depend on how closely related the changes are.

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