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Requirements affected by other requirements

Guest Pamela

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Our bylaws state that you must have attended a certain number of events and  "Participation will be recorded and verified by the appropriate committee chairman and supplied to the Membership Committee Chairman."


We initially were going to have something set up for verification but did not.  If members participation cannot be verified, does that make the requirements to participate in events void?


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I agree.  I also think that since no records were kept, the member's word as to his participation will be the only way to assess it unless other members can say, definitively, "no, he did not participate in that event".


Edited to add:  And then you need to either amend the bylaws or set up a verification system.

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A membership requirement in the bylaws cannot be suspended.  But if you failed to set up a verification system, then you have little to go on but the member's word that he attended the requisite number of events.  So if that's the best you have, that's what you go with.


But start the process of getting something better in place.

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